
Saturday 3 October 2009

1st Assignment 2009/10

I hope you're ready for the challenges up ahead! :)

Guys, you already know how this works. But should you have any doubts you know how to reach me. This assignment is due on the 14th of October, so better get started.
- First, to remind the rest of us of who you are, write 10 words that best characterize you, then visit WORDLE and create a word cloud.
- Second, head over to GIZMOZ and create a slideshow about your Summer adventures.
As usual, when you're done you should post your work on your blogs.

This is the first time you will be using a blog. I know you're a tad worried, but I'm here if you have any questions or doubts regarding the tasks.  :)
Your assignment is due on the 14th of October.
- First, lets bring back a bit of the Summer. Pretend you're still on holidays and write a postcard to let a friend know how you're doing. Visit PHREETINGS and create a virtual postcard.
- Second, let the world know a little more about you. Write a short text, you can refer to the following: favourite food, favourite music, favourite subject, hobbies, sports, etc. Go to LIVETYPING, it records your writing process from start to finish, showing all you wrote, every word you deleted, corrected and changed. When you're done click on "Enliven" to watch your recording and then copy the code, post it on your blog to share your final text.

Esta é a primeira vez que vão usar o blog. Sei que estão um pouco apreensivos, mas estou aqui para esclarecer qualquer dúvida que tenham em relação às actividades.  :)
As vossas primeiras tarefas têm de ser feita até 14 de Outubro.
- Primeiro, vamos trazer de volta um pouco do verão. Imaginem que ainda estão de férias e escrevam um postal a um amigo. Acedam a PHREETINGS e criem um postal virtual.
- Segundo, deixem o mundo saber um pouco mais sobre vocês.  Acedam a LIVETYPING e digitem o vosso texto. O teu processo de criação será gravado, mostrando tudo o que escreveste, todas as palavras que apagaste, corrigiste ou alteraste. Quando terminares clica em "Enliven" para veres a gravação e depois copia e cola o código no teu blog para partilhares a versão final do teu trabalho. Podem referir os seguintes aspectos: comida favorita, música favorita, disciplina favorita, actividades de tempos livres, desportos, etc.

Phreetings Screencast

LiveTyping Screencast


1 comment:

Wm Chamberlain said...

Thanks for the kind comment on my blog. I am sure your 8th grade students will quickly warm up to blogging. While most of my students don't like to write much, they do love to learn new tools.
Mr. C