
Thursday, 10 December 2009


8th and 9th Grade
:-) Here's a little extra christmas joy!
Please, leave your comments on the voicethread below or view it full screen HERE

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

5th Assignment

This is it guys. Your last assignment for this term. :-)
8th and 9th GRADES - Due on the 14th of December
We're taking part of a Christmas Challenge set in motion by our friends in Turkey.
You may use glogster, animoto, scrapblog or goanimate and, in pairs, create a presentation on the following:
10 Christmas movies
10 gift ideas suitable for everyone,
10 Christmas songs to cheer you up
10 Christmas recipes (traditional)
10 places to shop for Christmas
10 decoration ideas to jazz up your homes
You may choose to focus on Portuguese or British christmas traditions.  Let me know if you have any questions or doubts.

Friday, 20 November 2009

4th Assignment

8th GRADE - Due on the 4th of December
Hi guys, here's your 4th assignment. I have divided it into 2 different tasks.
1st Task
Access VOCAROO and record yourself reading the text on page 26 of your book, from line 1 to line 17. When you're done post your recording on your blog.
2nd Task
Create an account on ENGLISH CENTRAL, then do these exercises One, Two, Three. When you're done post your results on your blog. You can check the DEMO about how it all works here.
Let me know if you have any questions or doubts. You can leave me a message in the Audio Dropbox.

9th GRADE - Due on the 11th of December
Guys, I have divided your assignment into 2 different tasks.
1st task
Create an account on ENGLISH CENTRAL, then do these exercises One, Two, Three. When you're done post the results on your blog.
Let me know if you have any questions or doubts. You can leave me a message in the Audio Dropbox.
2nd Task - PAIR WORK  
Choose a song, grab the lyrics from Lyrics.Wikia or, draw or use images that portrait what happens in each line of the song. When you're done take a picture or scan your drawings and upload them to Movie Maker in order to create a music video for the song you chose. As soon as you finish your video you have two choices: either send me the file so I can put it online or you take care of that yourselves. Whichever you choose is fine by me.
I have placed 3 videos below to show you what the end result might look like. You know how to reach me should you need any help.

Saturday, 7 November 2009


9th and 8th GRADE - Due on the 15th of November

Well guys, this is a little extra, but it's quite simple.
We need to choose our very own student of the month. So access this FORM, and fill it in. Here are some basic rules:
  1. You can only vote once.
  2. Should the same student vote more than once his votes will all be anulled.
  3. You are allowed to vote on a student from any class.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

3rd Assignment

9th and 8th GRADE -  Due on the 17th of November

Great work on your Halloween task guys. However, I'd like to point out that some of you are falling a bit behind on your tasks. On the 9th of November check your evaluation sheets and make the necessary adjustments to your work.
For this next assignment you will have 2 different tasks:
- 1st
Access the other classes' blogs and comment on, at least, two from each class. Create a new message and post the names of the students and a link to their blogs. VERY IMPORTANT! Follow the rules!

The following rules apply to all posts and comments

- 2nd
We are going to create a video on animoto to post on the Multicultural Uniqueness wiki. So I need you to think of what makes Madeira unique. Choose a photo (3 at most) that you feel is representative of it and post it on your blogs along with a short sentence that answers the question: What makes Madeira unique?
If you don't own any photos that you feel will do Madeira justice, please use TagGalaxy, Compfight or Photl to get it. But be sure to name your source.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

2nd Assignment - Halloween

9th GRADE - Due on the 30th of October 

Great work on your Wordles guys. Sorry Gizmoz let some of you down.
Now, for this next assignment you will be working in pairs. Here's what I want you to do:
- Gather information on the history of Halloween - the following links will help you : History of Halloween ; Ancient Origins; What is Halloween; Boo-ography Quizzes and Boo-ography Videos.
- Based on the information you collect, use either GoAnimate or Glogster to create a presentation about Halloween or use MyStudiyo and create your own quiz about halloween.

8th GRADE - Due on the 30th of October

Congratulations! You passed this 1st test with flying colours. You have made me proud. :)
You will be working in pairs for your next assignment. Here's what I want you to do:
- Visit Halloween from Around the World and choose a country. Gather information about how that country celebrates Halloween. Then use GoAnimate and create an animation where you present the information you gathered in a fun way.

Below you have a quick screencast on how to use GoAnimate.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

1st Assignment 2009/10

I hope you're ready for the challenges up ahead! :)

Guys, you already know how this works. But should you have any doubts you know how to reach me. This assignment is due on the 14th of October, so better get started.
- First, to remind the rest of us of who you are, write 10 words that best characterize you, then visit WORDLE and create a word cloud.
- Second, head over to GIZMOZ and create a slideshow about your Summer adventures.
As usual, when you're done you should post your work on your blogs.

This is the first time you will be using a blog. I know you're a tad worried, but I'm here if you have any questions or doubts regarding the tasks.  :)
Your assignment is due on the 14th of October.
- First, lets bring back a bit of the Summer. Pretend you're still on holidays and write a postcard to let a friend know how you're doing. Visit PHREETINGS and create a virtual postcard.
- Second, let the world know a little more about you. Write a short text, you can refer to the following: favourite food, favourite music, favourite subject, hobbies, sports, etc. Go to LIVETYPING, it records your writing process from start to finish, showing all you wrote, every word you deleted, corrected and changed. When you're done click on "Enliven" to watch your recording and then copy the code, post it on your blog to share your final text.

Esta é a primeira vez que vão usar o blog. Sei que estão um pouco apreensivos, mas estou aqui para esclarecer qualquer dúvida que tenham em relação às actividades.  :)
As vossas primeiras tarefas têm de ser feita até 14 de Outubro.
- Primeiro, vamos trazer de volta um pouco do verão. Imaginem que ainda estão de férias e escrevam um postal a um amigo. Acedam a PHREETINGS e criem um postal virtual.
- Segundo, deixem o mundo saber um pouco mais sobre vocês.  Acedam a LIVETYPING e digitem o vosso texto. O teu processo de criação será gravado, mostrando tudo o que escreveste, todas as palavras que apagaste, corrigiste ou alteraste. Quando terminares clica em "Enliven" para veres a gravação e depois copia e cola o código no teu blog para partilhares a versão final do teu trabalho. Podem referir os seguintes aspectos: comida favorita, música favorita, disciplina favorita, actividades de tempos livres, desportos, etc.

Phreetings Screencast

LiveTyping Screencast


Sunday, 14 June 2009

ZarcoEnglish 2008/09

Below you have the results of the survey on the use of web2.0 tools in class. A total of 35 students from both classes answered it. I have also placed here a short video I did with some of my students from 8º5.
Click HERE to view the survey results.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Final Assignment

Well, this is it people, your final assignment. It's due on the 8th of June and it's really easy, just answer the survey I have placed below. Thank you for taking part in the ZarcoEnglish project. You have made me really proud. ;)

Monday, 11 May 2009

13th Assignment

Awesome work with the magazines guys! :) Now lets make some more magic and move on to your next assignment, which will only be due on the 31st of May so as to give you time to deal with the upcoming tests. This assignment will still focus on the Media. You are only required to do ONE of the tasks below:
- Create a timeline using either Capzles or OurStory. It can be about a person's path or an event. Check Google News Timeline if you need inspiration.
- News in rap has a really interesting way of presenting the news: they rap about it! :) Your mission is to either record yourself (video or audio) performing their news in rap or you could go for bust and try to create your own News in Rap. If you pick the latter you can use Newsmap for inspiration and RhymeZone will help you out with the pesky rhymes. ;)
-Put yourself in a reporter's shoes and video yourself presenting a piece of news. Yes, you can make up your own news story. If you are camera shy head over to Xtranormal and create your news show there.

Fizeram um trabalho espectacular nas revistas! :) Agora vamos lá fazer mais um pouco de magia e começar na vossa próxima tarefa, que terá de ser publicada até ao dia 31 de Maio, o que vos deixa à vontade para lidarem com os testes que se avizinham. Esta tarefa ainda está relacionada com os Media. Escolham apenas UMA das tarefas estipuladas abaixo.
- Criem uma "linha do tempo" usando Capzles ou OurStory. Pode ser sobre o percurso de uma pessoa ou sobre um evento. Consultem o Google News Timeline se precisarem de inspiração.
- News in rap tem uma maneira muito engraçada de apresentar as notícias: eles criam uma canção de rap! A vossa tarefa é gravarem (video ou audio) a vós próprios a cantarem uma das músicas deles, ou então podem dar tudo por tudo e tentar criar uma News in Rap. Caso escolham esta última, consultem o Newsmap para inspiração e encontrarão ajuda com as rimas na RhymeZone. ;)
-Finjam que são repórteres e filmem-se a apresentar as notícias. Sim, podem inventar as vossas próprias notícias. Se não conseguem lidar com as câmaras acedam ao Xtranormal e criem as vosso noticiário lá

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

12th Assignment

We are back in action! Hope the Easter break has left you refreshed and ready to work!
Your new assignment is due on the 4th of May so you best get jiggy with it. :) As you know our next topic is The Media and as we already discussed you are to organize a team of up to five students and create a magazine. Here's what you need to focus on:
- Choose the "theme" of your magazine.
- Create your fake magazine cover - you can use either Glogster, Bighugelabs, Writeonit, Magmypic or Customsigngenerator.
- Your magazine must have a minimum of ten (10) pages and, yes, that includes the cover. :)
- You must have at least TWO articles that were entirely written by you.
- Anything - from texts to photos- you copy, alter or rephrase will have to be correctly cited. Use Bibme to help you with this.
- Organize it all using word or powerpoint and then e-mail me the final document so I can publish it; or, if you are feeling brave, head over to Isuu and publish your magazine yourself.

Since you are going to be working as a group, be sure to use the tools you already know are available to you: save your bookmarks to your Delicious account, use Boxnet or File Dropper to save and share documents and images among yourselves.

Estamos de volta à acção! Espero que as férias da Páscoa vos tenham rejuvenescido e estejam preparados para o trabalho!
A vossa próxima tarefa é para ser publicada até 4 de Maio, por isso é mellhor começarem a se mexer. :) Como sabem o nosso próximo tema é Os Média e, como já foi abordado, têm de organizar uma equipa de até cinco alunos e criar uma revista. Precisam de ter em mente o seguinte:
- Escolher um "tema" para a vossa revista.
- Criar a vossa capa de revista falsa - podem utilizar um dos seguintes sites: Glogster, Bighugelabs, Writeonit, Magmypic ou Customsigngenerator.
- A vossa revista tem de ter um mínimo de dez (10) páginas e, sim, isso inclui a capa. :)
- Deve ter, pelo menos DOIS artigos escritos na íntegra por vós.
- Tudo - desde textos a fotos - que copiarem, alterarem ou parafrasearem terá de ser correctamente citado. Usem o Bibme para isto.
- Organizem tudo usando o word ou o powerpoint e depois enviem-me o documento final, por e-mail, para que eu o publique ou, se forem corajosos, acedam ao Isuu e publiquem vocês a vossa revista.
Uma vez que vão estar a trabalhar em grupo, certifiquem-se que utilizam as ferramentas que estão ao vosso dispor: salvem as páginas utilizadas na vossa conta Delicious, e usem o Boxnet ou File Dropper para salvar e trocar os documentos e imagens entre os vários membros do grupo.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

11th Assignment!

Ready for Easter holidays? I know you are! Well, just so you don't forget ZarcoEnglish here's your new assignment. ;)
This is due on the 14 of April. You have enough time to create something that will dazzle me, so make me proud! :)
Go to Goanimate and create a short (minimum 5 minutes long) animated movie. You can choose ONE of the following topics:
- your version of a fairy tale.
- Your version of a book you read or a movie you watched.
- your own story, something you imagined yourself.

Prontos para as férias da Páscoa? Tenho a certeza que sim! Bom, só para que não se esqueçam do ZarcoEnglish cá está a vossa nova tarefa. ;)
É para ser publicada até o dia 14 de Abril. Têm tempo suficiente para criar algo que me impressione, por isso deixem-me orgulhosa! :)
Acedam ao Goanimate e criem um pequeno (no mínimo 5 minutos) filme animado. Podem escolher UM dos seguintes tópicos:
- a vossa versão de um conto de fadas.
- a vossa versão de um livro que leram ou de um fime que viram.
- a vossa própria história, algo que vocês imaginaram.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

10th Assignment

It's that time again! :) I will be posting your February evaluation this weekend so remember to check it.
Your 10th assignment is due only on the 20th of March, because I know you'll be strugling with tests and other subjects' assignments. See, I am nice! :) Now, what do you need to do? Well, you guys are to create a GLOG on ONE of two topics.
The 1st is Easter - Tell me about our Easter traditions and how they differ from the British ones, add some pictures, audio and video to further enrich your glog, add some links to other webpages that you think are relevant.
The 2nd is related to the theme we are dealing with now: Fashion - Choose a top model or a fashion designer, add some pictures, audio and video to further enrich your glog, add some links to other webpages that you think are relevant, and tell us about her career and what makes him/her special. If you want you can even add a picture of one of your very own creations so that you too can share your talent.

Está naquela hora outra vez! :) Irei colocar a vossa avaliação de Fevereiro online este fim-de-semana, por isso lembrem-se de ir vê-la.
A vossa 10ª tarefa é para ser publicada até o dia 20 de Março, já que sei que vocês andam ocupados com testes e trabalhos de outras disciplinas. Vêem, não sou má! :) Agora, qual é a vossa tarefa? Bom, vocês têm de criar um GLOG sobre APENAS UM dos temas seguintes.
O 1º é Páscoa - Abordem as nossas tradições e de que maneira elas diferem das tradições Britânicas, adicionem algumas imagens, audio e video para enriquecer ainda mais o vosso glog, adicionem também hiperligações para páginas da net que vocês achem relevantes.
O 2º está relacionado com o tema que estamos trabalhando em aula: Fashion - Escolham uma top model ou um estilista, adicionem algumas imagens, audio e video para enriquecer ainda mais o vosso glog, adicionem também hiperligações para páginas da net que vocês achem relevantes e falem-nos sobre a carreira deles e o que os torna especiais. Se quiserem podem também adicionar uma imagem de uma criação vossa, para que também possam partilhar o vosso talento.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Well guys, since we're going to have a school break for Mardi Gras I've decided to add to the excitement and give you one more assignment... ;)
So this one is due on the 3rd of March also and all you need to do is play the games listed below, evaluate each of them and then write a short review (about 50 words) on the one you consider to be the best. Refer to the loading time, the quality of the graphics, the learning interest and the easiness to play.

"Stop DisastersThe online game aims at teaching people on how to build safer villages and cities against disasters. Multiple languages.

The Laser Challenge
Laser is used in many areas, such as research, communication, industry, medicine, and environmental care. Learn more about the laser by playing this game.

A game to teach tips for water conservation around the home."

Bom, como vamos ter a interrupção para o Carnaval decidi ajudar nos festejos e seleccionei mais uma tarefa para vocês. :)
Esta também é para ser publicada até ao dia 3 de Março. Tudo o que têm de fazer é experimentar os jogos listados acima, avaliá-los e depois escrever uma pequena apreciação (cerca de 50 palavras) sobre aquele que consideram ser o melhor. Refiram o tempo que leva a carregar o jogo, a qualidade dos gráficos, o interesse para aprendizagem e a facilidade em jogar.

Monday, 16 February 2009

7th and 8th Assignment

Your 7th assignment is due on the 24th of February. Go to Plinky create an account and then choose ONE of their prompts and answer it. Remember Plinky has got lots of prompts, so don´t just go with the first one you find. Take your time, browse through their list and then make your choice. Afterward publish your answer on your blog.

Your 8th assignment is due on the 3rd of March. Thanks to Photojojo all you need to do is take two pictures, name them, write a short text on them, and then, as usual, post it on your blog. Read the Photojojo's rules here, it explains what type of pictures they/I want.

A vossa 7ª tarefa é para ser publicada até ao dia 24 de Fevereiro. Acedam ao Plinky, criem uma conta e seleccionem UM dos desafios de escrita (prompts) que eles propõem. Lembrem-se o Plinky oferece uma série de desafios, por isso não se limitem a escolher o primeiro que encontram. Levem o vosso tempo, vejam bem a lista toda e só então façam a vossa escolha. Depois publiquem a resposta no vosso blogue.

A vossa 8ª tarefa é para ser publicada até ao dia 3 de Março. Graças ao Photojojo tudo o que têm de fazer é tirar 2 fotografias, atribuir-lhes um título, escrever um pequeno texto sobre a vossa criação e depois publicá-las no vosso blog. Leiam aqui as regras do Photojojo, explicam o tipo de fotografias que eles/eu queremos.


Well, I must say that I am impressed with how fast the majority of you get your assignments done! Am really happy with that. Am glad you're enjoying yourselves! And yes, I will be posting your new assignments today! :)

Bom, devo dizer que estou agradavelmente surprendida com a rapidez com que vocês cumprem as vossas tarefas. Estou muito contente com isso. Ainda bem que vocês estão a se divirtir! E sim, vou colocar as vossas próximas tarefas ainda hoje! :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Valentine´s Assignment

This one is a little extra. :)
This assignment is due on the 13th of February. Go to Animoto and create a short Valentine's Day greeting. Use 12 to 15 photos. You can either use your own photos or go to Compfight or Photl and use the photos available there, but the creative commons only.

Esta é extra. :)
Esta tarefa é para ser publicada até ao dia 13 de Fevereiro. Acedam ao site Animoto e criem uma pequena apresentação sobre o Dia de São Valentim. Utilizem 12 a 15 fotografias. Podem utilizar fotos pessoais ou então aceder aos sites Compfight ou Photl e utilizar as fotos lá disponíveis, mas apenas aquelas que pertencem aos Creative Commons.

Monday, 2 February 2009

5th and 6th Assignment.

This time your assignments are all about audio. :)

Your 5th assignment is due on the 10th of February. Go to the Vocaroo website and record yourselves reading a text (it has to have at least 100 words), then post it on your blogs, so we can all hear. Listen to the instructions below.

Your 6th assignment is due on the 16th of February. Simply visit the Imeem website, create an account and then choose ONE song - your favorite song - and embed it on your blogs. Write a short text just stating who sings it and add a link to the singer or band's website. You also have to tells us why is that particular song your favorite. ;)

Desta vez as vossas tarefas têm tudo a ver com audio. :)
A 5ª tarefa tem de ser publicada até 10 de Fevereiro. Acedam ao site Vocaroo e gravem a vossa leitura de um texto (tem de ter pelo menos 100 palavras), depois coloquem essa gravação online para que todos possamos ouvir. Ouçam as instruções que estão acima, basta clicar no play.

A 6ª tarefa tem de ser publicada até 16 de Fevereiro. Acedam ao site Imeem, criem uma conta e depois escolham UMA música - a vossa música favorita - e coloquem-na nos vossos blogs. Escrevam um pequeno texto dizendo quem canta a música, criando uma hiperligação para o website desse(a) cantor(a) ou banda. Após isso terão de nos dizer porquê que essa canção em particular é a vossa favorita.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Copyright Issues

Your slideshare assignment didn't go as smooth as I thought it would go. Most of you used pictures that were not yours but failed to cite your sources properly. Therefore I could not accept the placing online of work that wasn't rightfully yours. Although I did call your attention to the fact that it was imperative that you respected copyright rights, I should have insisted more on it.
I will go through it again with you and I will post some guidelines for you to follow, rather than just debating it with you. After that you will be required to redo your powerpoint presentations.
In the meantime please read the following:
Copyright and Using Images in Blog Posts

Is it Plagiarism Yet?

Secondary ICT - Plagiarism - A Cut and Paste Generation

And then take this test: You Quote it, You note it!

As vossas apresentações no slideshare não tiveram o resultado que eu estava à espera. A maioria de vocês utilizou imagens que não eram vossas, mas não citou as fontes. Por essa razão não posso aceitar a publicação online de material que não vos pertence, sem que se credite o seu autor. Embora tenha chamado a vossa atenção para este facto, deveria ter sido mais insistente. Vamos voltar a debater este assunto e irei publicar um guião para vocês seguirem. Mais tarde irão refazer as vossas apresentações. Entretanto visitem, por favor, os sites acima assinalados e depois façam o teste You Quote it, You note it!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

3rd and 4th Assignment

3rd and 4th Assignment
2009-01-22 16:40

Your 3rd assignment is to gather photos of our country and organize them in a powerpoint presentation that should then be placed online through slideshare. This is due on 27th of January.

Your 4th assignment is simply to create a drawing on the Bomomo site, save it, name it, write a short text on it if you want, and then post it on your blog. This is due on the 3rd of February.

A vossa 3ª tarefa é recolher fotos do nosso país e organizá-las numa apresentação powerpoint, que deverá ser depois colocada online através do slideshare. A data de entrega é 27 de Janeiro.

A vossa 4ª tarefa é simplesmente aceder ao site Bomomo, criar um desenho, guardá-lo, dar-lhe um nome, escrever um pequeno texto sobre ele se quiserem, e depois colocá-lo no vosso blog. A data de entrega é 3 de Fevereiro.

Change of Blogging Space

Since the blog provided by the ZarcoEnglish website doesn't allow commenting on each post I have decided to move our blog to blogger. Feel free to leave me some feedback. :)